JILI Maya Theme Golden Empire Slot Game Free Bonus Tricks

Golden Empire slot game is the by Jili Game. This is a story written with the wealthy King Golden Empire as the game background. 32,400 paylines, 4 large wilds, 8 free spins, players can expect this to be a game that emphasizes multiple combinations of connection elimination. Don’t miss it. You will have fun.

Golden Empire Game Introduction

The ancient Maya Empire Theme has unlimited charm, the Inca Empire is bursting with gold. Let the Chieftan guide you into the Temple of the Sun and discover the secret gold hoard. No one can find this lost empire. You only need to enter this game. It’s like an adventure. Various primitive totems seem to pull the player into the tropical jungle. The variable discs and gold frames become available wild cards for the thrill of continuous elimination and even more pleasant surprises! 

Just Golden Empire, you can feel the strong drum sound immediately after entering the game.  You will also find that the pyramids in the background will emit a slow thick fog. Through the unique golden frame symbol design of Golden Empire slot game, our connection may make the entire board completely crazy and unstoppable!

How to Play Golden Empire Slot by JILI?

A good game must have a charming story to back it up, and Golden Empire slot by JILI is no exception. The Maya Empire was once the richest empire in the world, and it was also an exotic landscape that countless players dreamed of. Players are now invited to go back to the past and enjoy the contemporary glorious city together.

Golden Empire Slot Game is full of gorgeous graphics and ancient mythological symbols, such as giant birds, ancients, Maya pyramids, etc. Each odds is different. The most anticipated thing in the game should be the appearance of the golden frame symbol. As long as the golden frame symbol appears, it means that there is a chance to get more than 4 wild connections.

Golden Empire Game Symbols

This game uses 5x6 reels, and adds a row to the 2, 3, 4, and 5 reels. When you start a free game, each game is eliminated once a cumulative multiplier, and the next elimination bonus multiplier Take the current cumulative multiplier. During the free game, the multiplier will not be reset, and the multiplier will be accumulated until the end of the free game.

Patterns Instructions

Golden Frame Symbol
The golden frame symbol is a symbol that appears randomly and only appears on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th reels. As long as the golden frame symbol is eliminated by the combo, it will be converted into a wild symbol that can be eliminated multiple times. The symbol on the wild represents the number of times that it can be eliminated. For example, if the number is displayed as 2 or more, when the combo is eliminated, The number is reduced by 1, but the wild will not disappear until it is reset to 0.

Wild Symbol
In addition to the golden frame symbol, there are simple wilds in the game. Except for SCATTER, it can replace any symbol and only appear in the 2, 3, 4, and 5 reels.

In a normal game, as long as you get 4 scatters, you can enter the free spins with 8 rounds. For each additional scatter, you can get 2 additional rounds.

Golden Empire Slot Free spin

In normal games, as long as you get 4 SCATTER, you can enter the free spins. Each more one can get 2 extra rounds. The initial cumulative multiplier is X1. As long as the elimination starts from the first time, the cumulative multiplier will increase by 1 each time it is eliminated, and the bonus for the next elimination will be multiplied by the current cumulative multiplier. And during the free spin period, the multiplier will not be reset and can be accumulated until the end of the free spin.

How to Win on Golden Empire Slot?

Understand why Golden Empire slot is one of the most popular slot machines. It has excellent graphics and symbols, a smooth game experience, a unique board, and frequent connections to eliminate the probability. The board of golden empire is quite special, Reels, Paylines, with exclusive design of 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, and 32,400 paylines. In addition, the game only pays the highest amount won per line. All winning points = odds X player betting amount. , which are all the reasons why SMcasino recommend you to play this slot game.

The odds in the game are relatively low, but this does not affect our strong interest in Golden Empire. All players should look forward to the continuous elimination brought by wild and collect as many golden frame symbols as possible, and free spins will bring more high multiplier bonuses.

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